29th June 2017
The U11 Netball team produced a spirited performance in their last tournament of the season at Nairobi Academy. After getting off to a rough start with a loss in their first match against St. Christopher's, the girls showed great maturity and drive to dust themselves off and win their next three matches in their pool, one a convincing 6-1 win against a shocked home side. This saw them advance to the semi -finals where a few missed shots and passing errors saw them lose 5-1 to Braeside A. They then faced St. Christopher's again in a fight for third place but their opponents offered a very strong challenge that we unfortunately could not answer to, finishing fourth overall in the tournament. This was an exceptional finish to the season, beating most of teams that they had lost to earlier on in the term. The most valuable player on the day was Maya Cerutti who showcased advanced attacking skills and movement, scoring most of our goals in the day.