Food Tests

25th October 2021

Biologists in Year 10 are currently learning about biological molecules, and what better way to learn than through the Braeburn Bureau of Investigation (BBI). They were split into squad groups and dispatched to analyse a sample of ‘vomit’ that was left in the lunch hall. They then had to deduce whose it was by comparing their results to that of the meal that day. An interesting and thriving classroom environment which required students to perform tests for different biological molecules, while linking their work to one of the possible career opportunities in forensic science that they may want to pursue in the future. Special mention to Aditya, Maya, Graca and Jefson for being the most efficient team.

Association of British Schools Overseas
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
Association of International Schools in Africa
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
International Baccalaureate Career Related Programme
Council of International Schools
IB World School Status
Council of British International Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
GL Education Assessment Excellence