Big Draw Video and blurb

2nd November 2021

Our blurb is as follows:

The Big Draw is a worldwide event that encourages students to explore drawing through art using a variety of materials, and responding to a theme decided by the festival organisers.  The theme this year was MAKE THE CHANGE!  Coming out of covid, the festival wanted students to consider how to be kind to each other, and also to the environment.  Our school focused on the international ethos of our student body, but wanted to reference the way Kenyan people are really good at reusing and recycling objects, but sadly still burn toxic plastics at the side of the road.  We wanted to show how we nurture and grow kindness from when students enter BGE, and as their understanding about  who they are grows, so too does that empathy for others.

We used recycled objects to create our piece;  the giraffe had the patterns created from old fabric shopping bags which the students painted patterns onto, the backdrops were old flour sacks, boxes and wood from disassembled desks and tin roofs.

Big Draw Video

Association of British Schools Overseas
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
Association of International Schools in Africa
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
International Baccalaureate Career Related Programme
Council of International Schools
IB World School Status
Council of British International Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
GL Education Assessment Excellence